How to Fix Your Brand - Real Advice


How to Start Branding (Or Fix a Bad One): Actionable Steps for Creative and Tech Entrepreneurs

Starting a business is no small feat, and getting your brand right can feel like trying to catch lightning in a bottle. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to transform a brand that’s falling flat, I’m here to tell you that you’ve got this. With a few key steps, you can build a brand that not only looks great but also resonates deeply with your audience—and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

1. Dive Deep into Your Audience — They’re Your North Star

You might think you know your audience, but let’s dig deeper. Understanding your customers on a personal level is the secret sauce to building a brand that truly connects. For creative businesses, this means tapping into what inspires and motivates your audience. For tech or children’s companies, focus on solving their problems and bringing joy to their lives.

Empowering Action: Create three in-depth customer personas. Picture them clearly—what are their daily struggles, dreams, and desires? When you make branding decisions, ask yourself: What would “Creative Clara” or “Techie Tim” think? Keep these personas front and center to ensure your brand always speaks directly to those who matter most.

2. Refine Your Visuals — Your Brand’s First Impression Counts

Your visuals are your brand’s handshake—it’s how you greet the world. But a good handshake isn’t just about firmness; it’s about consistency. If your logo, colors, and fonts don’t align across all your platforms, you’re missing out on a golden opportunity to build trust.

Empowering Action: Lay out all your branding elements on one page. Do they tell a unified story? If not, it’s time for a visual overhaul. Don’t worry—this is your chance to create a visual identity that truly reflects the heart of your brand.

3. Craft Your Brand Voice — Make Every Word Count

Your brand voice is how your business speaks, and it should be as unique as you are. Whether it’s playful, professional, or a little quirky, your voice should resonate with your audience and make them feel like you get them.

Empowering Action: Choose three words that describe your brand’s personality (e.g., friendly, inspiring, innovative). Then, draft a sample social media post or email in that voice. If it feels natural and connects with your audience, you’re on the right track. If not, tweak it until it feels just right.

4. Nail Down Your Brand Messaging — It’s All About Them

Your brand messaging is your promise to your customers. It’s not just about what you do—it’s about how you make their lives better. When your messaging is clear, your audience won’t just understand what you do; they’ll feel like they need what you offer.

Empowering Action: Write a one-sentence value proposition that focuses on the benefits you provide. For example, “We design eco-friendly toys that ignite creativity in children and offer peace of mind to parents.” Place this message where your audience will see it first—on your homepage, social media profiles, and marketing materials.

5. Create a Brand Style Guide — Consistency is Your Superpower

A brand style guide is more than just a document—it’s your branding compass. It ensures that every piece of content you create is aligned with your brand’s identity. This is how you build recognition and trust over time.

Empowering Action: Build a simple brand style guide. Include your logo, color palette, fonts, and examples of your brand voice in action. Refer to this guide whenever you create something new for your brand, and watch as your consistency builds a stronger connection with your audience.

6. Embrace Evolution — Your Brand is a Living Thing

Branding isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it deal. It’s an ongoing process that evolves as your business grows. The key is to keep learning, testing, and refining. The more you adapt, the more your brand will thrive.

Empowering Action: Schedule quarterly branding check-ins. Review your brand’s performance—are you seeing more engagement, sales, or recognition? Use these insights to make tweaks and improvements. Remember, every adjustment brings you closer to a brand that truly shines.

With these steps, you’re not just creating a brand; you’re building a foundation for lasting success. You have the power to shape how the world sees your business — and I can’t wait to see what you create. If you’re ready for more, stay tuned — I’m here to help you every step of the way.


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