10 Fresh Content Ideas for April

content prompts for small businesses

Hey friends!

April is a season of renewal and growth. As we enter spring, it’s yet another great opportunity to engage with your community and share your branded content through challenges, events, and shared experiences.

So, here is our list of content ideas to help you connect with your audience.

Remember that these can be used on social media, emails, blog posts, and more. The key is to make it relevant to your audience. And don’t forget to make the most of your copy by duplicating it across multiple platforms.

April Fools’ Day Promotion
Create a lighthearted and fun promotion for April 1st. You could offer a Mystery Discount where customers receive a “mystery” discount or bonus service that they only discover upon purchase or booking. The surprise element could range from a 5% discount to a free upgrade of a service package.

Share Your Business Story
Open up about why you started your business, how you got started, and where you are now.

April Challenge
Encourage subscribers to join a challenge for the month. For example, if you’re an interior designer, you could host a spring clean-up challenge involving one spot per day or a one-room makeover.

National Humor Month
Share funny content, jokes, or anecdotes related to your industry.

funny graphic design meme

April Self-Care Tips
Provide self-care tips for mental and physical well-being. It’s incredibly important for entrepreneurs, especially owner-operators, to take care of themselves. If you’re not healthy, how can your business be healthy?

–› One of my favorite self-care routines is to find a book to indulge in. No learning, no lessons, just for funzies. I recently devoured this book and highly recommend it. It was the perfect blend of old Hollywood, a bit of scandal, and tears.


Highlight Local Artists or Businesses
Showcase and support local talent in your community. Join together with a few other local businesses and create a shared promotion or a simple social media blitz highlighting each other’s businesses.

Or, Businesses You’re Connected To Online
If you don’t have local businesses to promote, share some of your favorite complementary businesses in your niché.

Earth Day Initiatives
Discuss your company’s environmental efforts or host a special Earth Day promotion. If you are a local business, you could organize a community clean-up, host a swap meet, or start a garden or nature project.

National Pet Month
Share a bit of your personal life on social media by posting a photo with your dog-, cat-, or bunny–bestie and explaining what you appreciate about them.

corgi dog for dog day

April Employee Appreciation
Highlight team members and their contributions. Add in their favorite joke, industry book, or self-care tip.

Host a Virtual Skill-Share Workshop

Whether free or paid, host a virtual workshop in your niché to share your gifts and promote professional growth among participants.
**Don’t worry about giving away content for free; giving away free content is just the highlight reel of what you have to offer.

10 fresh content ideas for april


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