Is Your Customer Loyalty Real? How to Test Your Customer Base.

woman with laptop typing

Have you asked yourself if your brand is truly winning your customers’ hearts and creating a loyal following? 

The journey to building customer loyalty is critical to success, and it’s essential to have the right tools to navigate it effectively. 

In this post, we explore how you can gauge if your brand is on the right track in cultivating loyal customers — from deciphering customer feedback to harnessing data-driven insights.

Let’s explore how to assess your customer loyalty.

First, it’s important to remember that the job of creating a brand or set of products to be loyal to is on you. That also goes for creating loyalty within your company, but we’ll save that for another post.

The following are various ways to test to see how satisfied your customers are with your brand. Not all of these will be a good fit, depending on your type of business and what stage your business is in.

Are you collecting customer feedback?
Collect customer feedback through surveys, feedback forms, or direct communication. Ask questions about their satisfaction, loyalty, and likelihood to recommend your brand. Analyze their responses and look for trends and patterns that indicate loyalty or areas for improvement.

Some of my favorite tools for surveys are Typeform and even Google Forms.
If you want something more robust, I recommend, where you can also collect reviews you can share online. 

When tech feels like a barrier, send out a simple email with a few questions. The key is to ask. 

If you’re not getting a response, a carrot always works. Try a $5-$10 gift card to a coffee shop, online store, or something from your business.

My advice, keep the questions specific and the survey short.  You’re likely to have more responses if your survey doesn’t take up too much of your customer’s time. And you can always offer an incentive, like a discount code or gift card. I use Tremendous for gift card distribution.

Do you pay attention to your customer’s behaviors?
Use data analytics to segment your customer base and analyze the behavior of different customer segments. Identify the characteristics and behaviors of your most loyal customers to inform your marketing and engagement strategies. Barebones, dig into your emails and purchases, and identify trends — good and bad.

Are your customers engaged on social media?
Monitor social media channels for mentions, comments, and shares related to your brand. Loyal customers are more likely to engage with and promote your brand on social platforms. Look for user-generated content and testimonials.

How long do your customers stay?
Analyze data on customer purchase behavior. If customers make repeat purchases and become regular buyers of your products or services, it’s a positive sign of loyalty.

Calculate your customer retention rate by measuring the percentage of customers who continue to do business with your brand over a specific period, such as a year. A high retention rate indicates that customers are sticking with your brand and can be a sign of loyalty.

Assess the CLV of your customers. CLV calculates a customer's total revenue over their entire relationship with your brand. High CLV suggests that customers are loyal and provide long-term value to your brand.

Do you get referrals?
Track the number of referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations your brand receives. Loyal customers are more likely to refer friends and family to your business.

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How do you handle complaints and resolve issues?
Pay attention to how effectively your brand handles customer complaints and issues. Timely and satisfactory resolutions can turn dissatisfied customers into loyal ones.

Other Ways to Measure Your Customer Loyalty

Use data analytics to segment your customer base and analyze the behavior of different customer segments. Identify the characteristics and behaviors of your most loyal customers to inform your marketing and engagement strategies. Forbes has an excellent article that goes deeper on how to do this.

Use the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to measure customer loyalty. NPS is calculated based on responses to the question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our brand to others?” Promoters (those who score 9 or 10) are considered loyal customers. Detractors (those who score 0 to 6) may be less loyal, and those who score 7 or 8 are passive. A high NPS indicates strong customer loyalty. There are various companies out there that can help you with this, such as AskNicely or create your own survey.

The Lesson
In the quest to create loyal customers, understanding the signs of loyalty is your compass. By collecting valuable feedback, measuring customer retention, and delving into the world of customer behavior analysis, you can navigate the path toward fostering strong and lasting customer relationships. 

Remember, the journey to loyalty is an ongoing one, and as you continue to refine your strategies, your brand’s ability to create and maintain loyal customers will only grow stronger. 

Happy customer relationship building💚!

a woman typing


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