Let’s talk about sex, um, I mean stress

Hello, my fellow entrepreneurs and business folks alike.

April is Stress Awareness Month (as if we’re not already aware of our stress.) But I thought it may be cathartic to share how I try to manage my stress in this “fast-paced, deadline-driven, need it yesterday, juggling a hundred things at once” business I am in. I hope you find something new to try or feel a bit better knowing you’re not alone.

Moving Meditation.

I’ve tried meditating — I really, really tried. I see myself sitting on a puffy cushion, calm and focused. But after trying for years, I learned I needed to move. So I learned to practice Moving Mediation through Yoga and walking. Here’s more info on that and a video for you to try.

Practicing a 60 : 10 Rule. 

This is pretty simple, but if I don’t set a timer, I don’t follow it. I suggest setting a timer on your phone unless you have a magical internal clock. This is working or focusing for 60 minutes and taking a break for 10. And when on break, I must get up, move, and stretch a little. You could create your own timing rule 50/10, 30/30 — whatever works for you. 60/10 works for me because I’m in a lot of meetings, and I need a reasonable amount of time to focus, or I feel like I don’t get anything done.

Spend time with people you care about. 

Even if you’re more of an introvert like I am, there is nothing better to cure stress than a good laugh with my lady friends or a date with my husband. I tend to hibernate when work is piling up, but I never regret taking the break for a good hang out.

Go outside!

I know this seems obvious, but raise your hand if you’ve never had a day where you don’t step outside for a single minute. Yeah, thought so.

This can be more difficult depending on where you live, but it’s worth the fresh air. On a good day, I walk my dog or hike with her, but on a super busy day, I feel better even if I get outside for 10 minutes and drink my coffee, eat lunch, or watch the birds. Yes, I am a total bird nerd. 🐥

If you need convincing (I love a good study), there are tons of articles and info out there about earthing, how time outside improves your mental health, and even how it can stimulate creativity. So if it’s cold and snowy, buck up and bundle up! 

Get 30 minutes of movement.

During my divorce, I found a therapist and pledged to do everything she told me to do. One of those was getting at least 30 minutes of movement daily, which was a lifesaver. It helped me unplug, sweat out some stress, and feel better all around. Best advise, which I need to follow more consistently.

Set yourself up for success.

Make time in your calendar to set your next week up for success. Create your to-do list and prioritize. Tidy your desk. Set up your meetings. Review deadlines and plan your week. Future You will thank you for it. And Weekend You will feel better about the impending Monday.

Plan an easy, or dare say, a fun Monday.

Piggybacking on the last one. Remember, you have an entire week in front of you, and you don’t want to feel burned out by Thursday. Or worse, burned out by Tuesday! In my years of start-up culture, everyone would say, “It’s a marathon, not a sprint.” Even though it still felt like we were in a perpetual sprint. But that’s not the point. Go easy on yourself and plan an easy Monday. Or plan to work on something you’ve been looking forward to diving into.

chat between two people

Create some amazing playlists.

Music feeds my soul. I need it. Crave it. Miss it when I’m not able to enjoy it. Create some playlists to fit your different moods. Upbeat when you need to crank. Mellow and moody when you need to chill. My latest is a nostalgic list of favorites from the 80s. If you’re curious, listen on Spotify. You’re welcome.

Find something that makes you laugh.

My go-to is funny cat videos. Enough said.

Make other parts of your life easy or automated.

Have your groceries delivered. Hire a dog walker a couple of times a week. Get your kids to make dinner or prep meals so dinner only requires “assembly” (my favorite hack). Hire a resource to do something you dread doing, that is a big time suck, or not in your skillset.

And the last one… it’s in the headline 😉

Things I want to try or do more often.

Green tea (decaf)
Infrared Sauna
Deep tissue massage balls
Cold plunge

What’s your favorite way to de-stress?


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