February’s Fresh Content Ideas

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Hey friends, welcome to our February Creative Content Idea List. February is a month brimming with opportunities for growth, connection, and discovery.

As we push through the stretch of winter, it’s the perfect time to engage with your community through challenges, events, and shared experiences.

Bonus! You’ll find our Free Canva Template link below.

Create a 29 Day Challenge (It’s leap year)

Challenge your audience to do something for 28 days such as working out, cooking healthy or trying new things, hair care, marketing, self-care.  Make it related to your industry and something that will provide value to your audience.

Upcoming Events

Promote any events, webinars, or workshops your business is hosting in February and March.

February Playlist
Create and share a playlist of songs that resonate with your audience, have special meaning to you, or the month’s theme.


Playlist: HS1988-91

Surfing the way back machine for this playlist. Don't worry, I spared you from a few of my fav’s that were on constant rotation.

Listen on Spotify ›

*yep, that’s me.


Travel Recommendations
Share travel tips or recommendations for a cozy winter getaway, and include related products or services. Or promote your local town by creating a staycation guide.

Healthy Habits Challenge
Encourage your subscribers to participate in a month-long healthy habits challenge.

Recap January Highlights

Showcase any milestones or achievements your business reached in January.

New Year’s Resolutions Follow-Up

Discuss progress on the resolutions you shared in January and ask your audience about theirs. 

Daily Tips for the Month

Provide daily tips related to your industry, connecting them to the theme of the month.

Funny Moments Recap

Share humorous anecdotes from the year, making your brand more relatable.

Environmental Pledge Update

Provide updates on your efforts to be more environmentally friendly and involve your audience. Or join an organization like 1% for the Planet and spread the word.

Celebrate Groundhog Day

Have some fun with Groundhog Day on February 2nd, perhaps with a special promotion or quirky content.

Fun Fact: Why February 2nd is called Groundhog Day.

It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day and sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den and winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow, spring will arrive early.

Customer Testimonials Showcase

Highlight positive customer experiences and testimonials to build trust and credibility.

Love and Gratitude Message

Express your appreciation to your subscribers and customers for their continued support and loyalty.

love and gratitude message

Grab Our Free Canva Templates for Expressing Gratitude

Galentine’s Day Celebration

Acknowledge and celebrate Galentine’s Day (February 13th) by offering promotions or content focused on female empowerment and friendship. Provide ideas on how the women in your audience can create a Galentine’s tradition, such as taking a class, a trip, a special brunch, game night or photoshoot.

Self-Love Tips and Challenges

Share self-love tips or challenges to encourage subscribers to prioritize their well-being and embrace self-care.

Year-in-Review Infographic

Summarize key achievements, milestones, and highlights from the past year in an engaging infographic. Use an infographic tool such as Venngage, Piktochart or Canva to make it easy to create.

Love for Local Businesses

Collaborate with local businesses and promote each other’s products or services, emphasizing community support.

love for local businesses

Tech Trends and New Products

Highlight emerging tech trends, innovation, or product you love that is relevant to your industry, keeping your audience informed and engaged.

Have Fun with Leap Year
Create a Leap Year themed campaign with ideas on what to do with your extra day.

Share Something Personal
Let your audience get to know you a bit better by sharing a personal story, a hurdle you had to overcome, or something lighter like a favorite family recipe or valentines day tradition.

Our goal is to inspire, connect, and support you through various activities and insights.

As we step into March, remember to keep celebrating the small victories, nurturing self-love, and supporting local businesses. Until our next edition, keep thriving and stay connected!

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Highlight Your Brand with Our Must-Try Content Ideas for Women Entrepreneurs!


Start The Year Off Strong: Mindset, Affirmations, Aspirations & Goal Setting for Women Entrepreneurs