Why You Should Hire a Branding Professional… and When You Shouldn’t.

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Hiring a brand professional can offer a multitude of benefits to both new and established businesses. But there are times when paying for branding is not the right move, and there are some alternatives to the typical, expensive branding agency. Read on to find out more.

Here are some good reasons you should hire a branding professional:

Let’s start with the obvious…

Expertise and Knowledge: Brand professionals have expertise in brand strategy, positioning, and identity. We bring a depth of knowledge that can be hard to replicate without specialized training and years of experience.

If you cannot afford a professional, consider hiring a Brand Coach or Fractional Creative Director.

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Market Research: We can provide insights into current market trends, competitor analysis, and target audience behaviors, which can be crucial for brand positioning.

Objective Perspective: We offer an unbiased perspective, helping you and your stakeholders see things you might have missed and offering solutions that might not have been considered.

Save Time and Resources: Crafting and maintaining a brand strategy can be time-consuming — especially if it’s not your primary skill’s… Professionals can streamline this process, allowing businesses to focus on other areas.

i.e. "You do what you’re good at. Let your brand guide help you by doing what they are good at.”

Credibility and Trust: A polished, professional brand will increase credibility in the eyes of your target audience, making them more likely to trust and choose your products or services. That means a direct positive (or negative) impact on your bottom line.

Consistent Brand Image: You want to ensure that your brand is represented consistently across all channels and platforms, creating a unified image that can be easily recognized by consumers. That is not as easy as it sounds, and a brand professional can help you with that. You can’t wear a leopard print jumpsuit and comb boots one day and a white polo and tennis skirt the next and expect people to know your style.

a consistent brand presentation increases revenue by up to 33%

And, perhaps the less obvious…

Clear Brand Message: Brand professionals help you define with convey a clear, compelling brand message that resonates with your target audience. ie we help you with what to say and how to say it in a way your target customer will understand and feel connected to.

Increase Business Value: A strong brand can significantly increase the value of a business, making it more attractive to investors or potential buyers.

Adaptability: Brand professionals can help businesses adapt their branding strategies in response to changes in the market, ensuring longevity and relevance.

Return on Investment (ROI): While there's an upfront cost to hiring a brand professional, the long-term benefits—like increased brand loyalty, customer trust, and overall brand equity—can result in a significant ROI.

90% of customers are willing to pay more if they purchase from a brand they trust.

Avoiding Costly Mistakes: An experienced professional can help businesses avoid common branding mistakes that could be expensive in the long run, both in terms of money and brand reputation.

Integrated Marketing: Brand professionals often work closely with marketing teams to ensure that branding efforts align with marketing campaigns, creating a seamless and effective overall strategy.

Tailored Strategy: Every business is unique — which is partly what you want your brand to showcase — and brand professionals provide strategies that fit with your business's specific needs and goals, rather than a generic, one-size-fits-all solution.

Emotional Connection: Professionals know how to create an emotional connection between brands and their customers, which can lead to increased loyalty and customer retention.

Training and Guidance: Beyond just creating a brand, we can offer training and guidance to your internal teams on how to maintain and evolve your brand over time.As well as guide you whether you should embark on a rebrand or a brand refresh.

Here are a few reasons why you should not hire a brand professional:

You Don’t Have the Budget: If you’re a startup or a small business with a tight budget, hiring a brand professional can be costly. In such cases, using resources judiciously and focusing on immediate, operational needs might take precedence.

You are not clear on what you need: If you're unsure what you want to achieve with the branding process, hiring a consultant prematurely can lead to wasted resources. Ensure you have a clear understanding of your objectives before seeking external assistance.

You have talented resources in-house: If you already have a talented marketing and branding team in-house that understands your business, target audience, and industry, you may not need to spend extra on external consultants.

It’s too soon: If your business is in the very early stages, depending on your field, focusing on product-market fit and understanding your target audience might…. Once you’ve solidified your offer, then think about branding.

Alternatives to a typical branding agency:

Brand Coach: This is a branding professional who meets with you for a dedicated amount of time to help you define your objectives and strategy and give you valuable input by offering professional guidance without the expense of hands-on work. See our coaching programs ›

Boutique Agencies: Boutique brand agencies typically specialize and take on fewer clients at a time. This allows for flexibility and can be more cost-effective than a large agency.

Freelancers: Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, Behance, and Dribbble can connect you with freelance graphic designers, brand strategists, and writers. You can hire freelancers for specific tasks like logo design, brand name brainstorming, or brand guideline creation, which although it’s not as holisitic, you can get some of your more crucial brand elements completed while your just getting started.

Workshops and Training: Invest in workshops or training sessions for your team. This can help in-house members develop the skills needed to tackle branding challenges effectively.

Use Template Sites: Many sites offer ready-made website templates, logos, and other branding materials. While not as personalized as custom work, they can provide a starting point and save you some expense in areas where you can get away with using a template to start with.

DIY Branding: While not ideal for everyone, if you're a small business or startup with limited resources, you might decide to tackle some branding tasks on your own. There are plenty of resources, online courses, and books that can guide you through the basics.

The lesson: While businesses can certainly attempt to handle branding on their own, a brand professional brings a wealth of expertise, strategy, and perspective that can be invaluable for the success and growth of a business. But you also need to consider your budget what you can pay for now, and what you can add later.

why should you hire a branding professional and when you shouldn't


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